Where to begin?? This will be long and probably contain a lot of rambling ;)
In Dec. I stubbed my toe really hard on a bar stool. We assumed it was broken but just thought it would heal on it's own. Fast forward to Feb. and it was still hurting and twice the normal size, so I finally gave in and went to the Doctor. Sure enough, it had been broken and healed wrong. The doctor recommended surgery. So on March 7th I went in for surgery. He was going to have to re-break the bone, fix the ligaments and put in a pin. Although, I wasn't crazy about having to be put out, I really wasn't too worried and thought I'd be back to normal in no time. Wrong! It's been much worse than I thought. I pretty much couldn't walk for the first couple of days and it just plain hurt! It is getting better everyday, but hobbling around has made life difficult.
That was on Thursday, on Wed of the following week Grayson woke up with what we thought was a stomach virus. He threw up most of the day, but nver ran a fever and was able to hold down small amounts of pedialyte and continued to have wet diaper, so we didn't get too overly concerned. That night was rough. He was so restless and would have these little spells where he would stiffen up and would cry out in pain. That morning he started to have diarrhea. I noticed some small amounts of blood in it, so I immediately called our pediatrician to see what we needed to do. Of course, we would have to wait for them to call us back. I had my one week check up for my foot that morning, so Aaron came home to stay with the boys and I went on to my appointment. (My toe looked so gross when he took the wrap off that I got nauseous, but the Dr. assured me it looked like it was supposed to!) When I got back Grayson was still about the same and finally the Dr. office called back and said to go to the ER at Children's Hospital. At first we weren't sure if that was necessary, but after doing what any good Mom does when she isn't sure about something; I Googled it! :) After reading some, we decided that we should go. We dropped Wyatt off with a friend and headed that way. We were able to get in really quick and it didn't take them long to suspect that it was something called "intussusception". Which basically means that the small intestine has telescoped into the colon. They did an ultrasound and sure enough that's exactly what had happened. They went ahead and started an IV- broke my heart to see him get that put in! They were able to fix the problem by using an enema to shoot air through which "pops" the small intestine out and into place. Thank the good Lord that this worked bc otherwise, he would have had to have had surgery. They had to keep us overnight so they could observe him and do another ultrasound in the morning to make sure that everything had stayed in place. It was the.longest.night.ever. Poor Grayson wasn't allowed to eat, so he was hungry and because of the air that they had to shoot in him, he had terrible gas pains. Watching your child be in so much pain is just about the worst thing ever. We've never felt so helpless. They finally did an ultrasound and everything looked good. He was able to start drinking pedialyte that morning and eventually that afternoon they let him start having bottles again and we were able to go home. It was the longest 24 hours ever!!! Thankfully Mom had come up to stay with Wyatt and she was amazing enough to have dinner ready for us when we got there and got up with both the boys the next morning so we could sleep in. He seems to be back to his happy self and the doctors say it is a very low chance of this reoccuring. Of course, we are a little over protective now :)
Somewhere in the midst of all this, we did get some exciting news. I think it was on the Saturday after my surgery... Aaron had been interviewing for a new job and he got the call that he had gotten it! I am so proud of him because it is a position that was really meant for someone with more experience, but they were so impressed with him that they went ahead and hired him! This is giving us the opportunity to do something we've been talking about for awhile now--- we're moving! We have wanted to move to the Blanchard/Tuttle/Newcastle area and now it is actually something we can do. We love the area and it will cut 35-40 minutes off the drive to both of our parents and put us closer to many of our friends and family. Right now, we are working on getting our house ready to list (so if you know anyone wanting to move to Harrah- we've got the place! ha!) Moving with kids is going to prove to be MUCH harder than when it was just the 2 of us. We've also started looking at houses/lots. We're really torn between buying or building. Decisions, Decisions!!!
So there it is- a quick run down of what's been going on with The Pendergraphs. It was truly a week to remember!
**I wrote this mainly to fill everyone in on what's been going on, but also to let parents of little ones know about what happened with Grayson. It is something that we certainly had never heard of. Apparently, it isn't that uncommon though. It mainly happens in infants and can most likely be easily fixed. Left untreated though, it can cause major damage, even become life threatening. So, never ignore any symptoms in your kiddos!