Yesterday you hit the 4 month mark- crazy how fast time is going by! You are at such a fun stage now. You are "talking" up a storm and laughing, it is too cute! You still have your trademark big ole grin and everyone who sees it immediately falls in love. You love your jump-a-roo and playing "super baby" with your Daddy. I love to see you two playing together. You can really grab onto things now; pretty much anything you can get your little hands on, especially mommy's hair. This has been a month of big firsts. You can now roll over and are wiggling all over the place. You also slept through the night for the first time- thank goodness :) You still have some nights where you wake up once to eat, but we do get some full 8 hour nights here and there. And the biggest news, your very fist cousin was born!
I am grateful every day for the gift of YOU! I love being your mommy more than I ever could have imagined. Seeing your precious face every day is a blessing beyond measures. I love you doodlebug!