2 Months
Mr. Wyatt turned 2 months old this past Friday! It has been so fun to see how much he has changed. He is grinning and making the cute baby sounds alot more now. It melts our hearts to see him grin! He has also gotten into a better sleeping pattern and is only waking up once in the middle of the night to eat (and again at like 5:00, but at our house that's considered "morning time"!) We're still dealing with the reflux, but the rice cereal in his formula has seemed to help alot. We go back to the Dr. next week, so we'll see what they say.... Last week we went to Ada to have 2 month pictures taken. Annie and her son Jay also came. The boys are 4 months apart and we "attempted" to get some pictures of them together. Not sure how they will turn out, but we sure got a good laugh out of seeing them together! I can't wait until they are older enough to play. I'm sure some day they'll thank us for dressing them up alike and making them take pics together :)This weekend we are off on our first family "mini" vacation. Aaron is going to start grad school this fall at OSU! Yep, that's right O-S-U!!! My family had such a good influence on him ;) Anyways, we are going to Stillwater Friday morning so Aaron can meet his advisor, visit around campus and Aaron and Wyatt can have their first official trip to Eskimo Joes! After our stop in Stillwater, we're Branson bound to visit Aunt Amy and Uncle Stephen. I hope to do some shopping at the outlet mall and Saturday night Stephen and Amy are going to practice their babysitting skills (they have been soo great to us!) while Aaron and I go to a show. We are looking forward to a fun weekend get away! I'm sure I'll have some great pics to post later.
aww Stephanie he is so cute and getting big so fast!!!! and i also loved your post about your friends...i feel the same away about my friends!!! aren't we all such lucky girls? : )