Monday, April 20, 2009

High Blood Pressure = Alot of Resting!

As some of you know, I had to have some tests done last week bc my blood pressure has been high and they wanted to check for preeclampsia. I went to the Dr. today and found out that my lab work came back fine- thank goodness! However, my blood pressure is still high. The Dr. is going to continue to let me work for now, but with as little activity as possible. This goes for at home too. Aaron has graciously stepped up to do whatever he needs to do to help me and Wyatt (he's in the kitchen cooking dinner right now!). I'm not even allowed to do any shopping :( This means Aaron will also get to make those dreaded Wal-Mart trips alone! I'll be going to the Dr. weekly now and will continue to monitor my bp. Hopefully, with the extra rest everything will turn out fine, but please continue to say a little prayer for us....

On a happier note, we had our first shower yesterday. We are truely blessed with an amazing group of family of friends. We got a ton of great stuff! I'll be sure and get some pictures up asap- I mean, I am going to have some extra time on my hands ;)

1 comment:

  1. I was the same way, but my doctor went ahead and took me off of work 3 weeks before I had him. Take care of yourself and enjoy all of this pampering...even though it does tend to get old! Not much longer... :)
